
Cathy Hull latest 5-star reviewed
pièce de résistance
Art 2.0 of the Deal: Donald J. Trump Hits the Wall


He’s running. Again.

Despite three straight failed Republican losses culminating in the 2022 midterms reality check, the twice-impeached former president (who never acknowledged his 2020 defeat and was orchestrator-in-chief of a deadly insurrection intended to stop the peaceful transition of power) announced his 3rd White House run and final battle.

Trip down Memory Lane and revisit the first term of the self-proclaimed “stable genius”and the many lessons of 2016 lest history repeat itself in 2024 “first as tragedy, second as farce.” —-Karl Marx.

Available in hardcover and paperback — purchase your copy of the book today!



Cathy’s 5-star reviewed tour de farce,
Art 101 of the Deal: Donald J. Trump Off the Wall
Available in hardcover and paperback.

Gratefully, after a full-filling professional lifetime working with and for the very best and the brightest in publishing, editorial, and advertising; Cathy Hull is currently focused on new ventures and her latest book to follow Art 2.0 of the Deal: Donald J. Trump Hits the Wall. Protest is her cardio.

2021: A new year and a president who— unlike the former guy— aspired to unite the country not sow division. Life-long presidential hopeful Joseph R. Biden took his oath of office in the wake of a tumultuous 2020 presidential race and deadly Capitol insurrection, opposed by a predecessor who claimed fraud, perpetuated the “Big Lie” that the election was stolen and to this day has refused to concede his loss.

Award-winning satirist Cathy Hull is back at her desk with tongue firmly planted in cheek drawing  her own conclusions.  Breaking news illustrated from cover to cover with iconic images inspired by the masters; the rest is history.


Just for the fun of it, Go to Hull and check out her Zazzle Store. Remember: great art doesn’t have to match your sofa.

Museums and Shows

The Brooklyn Museum, USA
Quebec City Exhibition, Canada
Musee de Beaubourg, France
Contemporary Museum of Honolulu, Hawaii
National Museum of Scotland
International Cartoon Exhibition, Greece
The Biennale of Humour, Norway
International Cartoon Exhibition, Switzerland
Karicatur and Cartoon Museum, Switzerland
Simavi Cartoon Competition, Turkey
The World Cartoon Gallery, Yugoslavia
Pacific Design Center, USA
The Maryland Institute, USA
Butler Institute of American Art, USA
NY Public Library, USA
LA County Museum of Art, USA
Chicago Museum of Art, USA
Contemporary Museum San Diego, USA
High Museum, USA
Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, USA
Pen & Brush NYC
Arts on the Lake Carmel, NY USA


Awards and Recognition

AIGA (American Institute of Graphic Art)
Art Director's Club
Printing Industries of America
Society of Illustrators
Society of Newspaper Design
Society of Publication Designers
Museum of American Illustration
Fifty Best Books of the Year Award


The School of Visual Arts
Parsons School of Design


All the Art That's Fit to Print (And Some That Wasn’t) Inside The New York Times Op-Ed Page, American Artists an illustrated survey of leading contemporary Americans, Sourcebook of Visual Ideas, Watergate Without Words (A Rolling Stone Special Project), Crazy Commercials (Scholastic Books),  The New York Art Review, Who’s Who of American Artists, Who’s Who in Graphic Art, Who's Who in America, Who's Who in the World, Who's Who of American Women, Trademark Who’s Who Honors Edition, Wanted: 22 Alien Criminals Wanted by the Intergalactic Security Bureau. Featured artist in Graphis, Print Magazine, The Nebelspalter (Swiss satirical magazine), and U & lc: Illustration With a Capital IQ* Scarsdale Inquirer “Scarsdale Native Blends Contemporary Satire and Classics.”

More work at:

zazzle store